Saturday, September 12, 2020

Same Life:New Journey:Weight Loss Again.

 What have I done with my life over the last few years?  What will my life become in the next few years?  I have managed to work my way up to the heaviest I have ever been.  I have also realized that if I keep going the way I am going, my life will probably be shorter than I really want.  What am I going to do about this, dilemma?

The year is 2020, the year of Covid-19.  This so called Pandemic, has the world by the balls.  It seems as if the majority of the population is scared to go outside their tiny little safe havens.  I for one, feel that it is time to get this body back to what it was.  The closing of the gyms managed to get me depressed and just add on pounds.  So, now what?  

Let me start at the beginning of this journey.  It started back in August, I did a video weigh-in for a biggest loser contest on Facebook.  I started out at 337.6, yep you read the correctly.  The heaviest I have been in my life.  Kinda got me down, but at the same time got me motivated.  I bought a bike/elliptical combo from Amazon.  Cost was low, and its a great piece of equipment.  

Oops, weigh in day came pretty quick.  I stepped back on the scale one week later, 333.4.  Down about four pounds.  Nice start, but not really where I was hoping I would be.  I knew I could do better, but my eating just stayed the same, in fact the 2nd weigh in was only down 329.6.  Again, a few pounds down but it could be better.  Time to buckle down and get this figured out, need to get this eating under control.  Need to find the motivation to start working out.  

I figured it was time to put up or shut up.  I bought a bowflex off a co-worker.  Time to get serious.  My last weigh in was around 327, even though all these weigh in were down, I knew that I needed to get serious.  It was time to buckle down and get the eating under control.  Now with the ability to resistance train and cardio, I am ready to conquer life and live my happy life starting now. 

Remember this blog, or follow me and watch my progress.  Photos and updates posted every couple days..